dont feed the homeless in FL


Active Member
I just cant believe what I have just read on the news, a new law in FT Lauderdale FL, prohibits feeding the homeless and can attract up to 6 months jail/$500 fine. I wonder how many of these homeless have gone to war and fought for their country. How can they justify sending food overseas to ( NEEDY) countries due to hunger but yet arrest 3 for feeding homeless in their own back yard. Complete and utter B.S.
It is getting worse and worse. Human compassion is going to be extinct. I know we can't fix things by throwing money at it. But feeding our Vets is something we should do.

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exactly the point Coastie, I would hope someone finds a good enough loophole to sue the pants off who ever came up with this crap, I know some of these homeless are not all vets and have prolly been up to no good through a life time, but come on this has to be one of the dumbest laws I have seen or heard of. it's just wrong all the way to the core of the issue.
Technically, I am a Veteran. But I feel the guys that did Viet Nam and WW stuff are the real Vets. Without them, we would not be able to make all these stupid rules.. LOL As you say, some are up to no good and they never will be. But I do think most are victims of our enviroments...
Gentlemen meet your elected representatives.

I swear that part of the democratic process after being elected is to have a lobotomy.

Same in Canada.
Let me tell you about the "Homeless". about 3/4's are not "Homeless" they just don't own a "home". Very few are "Vet's". We have shelters and apartments for Vets in our area. We don't leave them on the street. All they have to do is ask for help.
A lot of "Homeless" chose to pan handle to get money.
I work Ambulance in a midsized city in Ohio. I see these people all week. Drunk, overdosed or fighting over the corner they want. In This city they let the homeless get a license. It has thier picture and a strap to hang around the neck. Now they can stand at every highway exit with thier card board " Homeless, please HELP" sign. Some employ props. One sits in a wheel chair, I later see Her pushing the wheel chair back to her house around the corner. Another what people think is a female is a male wearing a cervical collar on his neck and a strap on fracture boot on his leg. Later you see him get in his car without either. One has a cane and a cast on his leg. It is taped on over his jeans and he carries a cane. You later see him walking just fine away from his pan handling site.
I find it crazy you can be fined or jailed for feeding the homeless. But they are not the big beat on, down trodden masses you think they are. There are homeless, but not the huge numbers the media site. I imagine in Florida they are just everywhere! A warm state with no real cold spells. Maybe the tax paying citizens have just grown very tired of the " Homeless".
We have many Churchs that have free meals for everyone that shows up. The homeless or very poor don't have to go hungry. I have no problem with it.
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i'm not extremely generous with the homeless/panhandlers, but Ive given out my share of $1 bills. I do tend to be a little suspictious, and i'm sure i've been "taken" before.

Although i'm sure some are outright fakers, but i'm guessing that the majority are not.

I remember one quality faker,,, a guy walking around the park in DC carrying a 5 gallon gas can, "car ran out of gas, left his wallet at home, hell of a pitch.. I gave him $3 and went to the museums with the wife. 4 hours later on the way back to the metro, we saw the same bastage, carrying his can, hitting more people up. My guess is he was making about $150 a day (this was back in 1995ish) panhandling with a creative pitch. Kind of soured me for the next 20 yrs over the whole deal and probably cost legit people needing legit help quite a few bucks from me over the last two decades.

curiously.. back on topic... I think the Mayor of Laudy Daudy is a Democrat, couldn't find the political parties of the 5 commissioners.... I was curious what their affiliation was. (most people would assume they are republican's of course)
I just can not see the reason to throw people in jail for handing a homeless person food, these 3 people mentioned in the story are pastors and upon release one went right back out and did it again only to be watched by members of the public and some cops which who decided not to rearrest him. Does the states need funding that bad to arrest people who feed the homeless, or is it a case of well we can't catch serious criminals so let's just lock up Good Samaritans, I'm not talking about handing them money cause most of them with hit the nearest liquor store.
I just find this whole issue a complete utter joke to lock up someone doing a good deed and helping others in need.

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Don't take me wrong. There are homeless by no real fault of thier own. This Great Country has no reason people should go hungry. So much food gets thrown out and wasted! I think their attempt at tough love is misdirected. They must be trying to push then to another area. Make it that areas problem. That's one problem we have. So many services and programs people come to our City from other areas.
I did read the article. They content that its not a homeless hate law but rather a sanitary issues. you CAN feed the homeless all you want, but you have to have things like restrooms and hand washing facilities accessible, I guess so this guy that wants your ham sammich can wash his hands first before he eats it... But if you carry around a porta potty and a portable sink then you can continue to feed them, virtually eliminating all the small and mobile operations.

now, i'm all about washing your hands, but my guess is that 99% of the homeless and hungry couldn't give a rats azz if they have washed their hands in the last day or three before they eat . If your homeless you generally don't care.

So I'm of two minds on this...

1) It really is hate legislation designed to make it more difficult to be homeless in "their town" and this is another angle they are using to make it less desirable for them to stay, encourage them to move along to the next town.

2) They had good intentions and way too much time on their hands and this is simply poorly written legislation (McDonalds has to meet these same requirements and I agree) that failed to include an exclusion for mobile people.

My guess is that its issue #1