I pulled out my 787 and found a large warp on the crank case on the rear jug, the feeler gage will go thru all the way on the carb side and it's a 4 thounds gage so it's a big warp over 6 inches. I already got a top end kit now I will need to remove the top of the crankcase so I can have it machined down, what gaskets or seals will I need to get if I am opening the crank so I can take it in have then make make it flat again, I am not replacing the crankshaft just need to bring the top in so there are no piston rods sticking thru it..basically just wondering what I will need to order in for parts, I already have removed the jugs. I know this may be a basic question but will the need to do a full disassemble or can I just remove the bolts holding on to the top half of the case and remove that half?
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