New Member
Just got finished putting black fuels lines on my 96 GTI's as well as new fuel floats in the baffle. I couldn't have done it without the great help from this site and its members. I headed to the lake on Friday for a test on the water. One of my doo's was hesitant and didn't run smoothly. I just thought it was cold and might need to warm up. After 15 minutes of slight sputtering I gunned it and it shut down almost like it had no fuel. The starter would not turn the motor at all. I pulled the plugs on the water and couldn't get the flywheel on the rear of the engine to turn by hand. Oil level was 50% in the tank. I can see oil in the lines. So...could this have anything to do with a missed step I left out when I changed the fuel lines? Or just bad timing on a motor that might have needed a rebuild. It ran like a champ last year. Where 2 from here?