DI.....direct orbital injection
Do a search in the forum with our search engine using the word "DI". If this machine is not running, it could be a host of several issues. This system injects on the high pressure side of the engine and needs a compressor to build enough pressure to overcome the compression stroke to do it. The fuel is injected in a two stage system. The fuel rail has a valve that opens to add fuel to the injector, then the air comes in behind it and pressures it up for injection. There are fuel regulators, pumps, solenoids and many other sub components that make this thing work. The compressor also drives the RAVE system........
You might want to look these components up in our "parts" link above. Put in the year and ski, then, when the page opens, select the fuel system. You'll see how much this system has to make it work and you can also get a feel for the prices of the parts by clicking on one, then adding it to your cart.
Good luck!........make sure you make an educated decision on this machine.
Oh, BTW, I've been told by other DI owners that have never really had problems with theirs, this machine screams.........!:cheers: