If anyone has any carborated engine and wants to remove the ecu entirely, first understand the basics and follow the directions below:
For the engine to run it needs first,
1 fuel: (mechanically done and timed by the thin metal disc behind the carbs) we are good there.
2 Spark : Mechanically timed and sent by the flywheel coils/magnets. We are good there, just need to wire stator to the coil directly and then to the plugs. Now we are good there.
Start : have to run a curcuit from battery - to starter, and battery positive to a n.o. momentary switch, and from same switch to solenoid +, solenoid - to battery -, solenoid main+ to battery, solenoid main+ to starter +. We are good there.
Stop: easiest method is to use a dpst switch and have a wire going to battery - then jumped to each isolated pair on dpst switch, and a wire from first pair on dpst switch to plug 1,and a wire from second pair on dpst switch to plug 2 (this type of switch has 4 connections, each pair isolated from each other, see left illustration). When pressed, grounds spark killing engine. We are good there. (can also just use a basic n.c. lanyard kill if you wanted to just have that as the kill)