My understanding, is its a security feature. The landyard has a "ROM" chip incorporated into it, in which, when attached to post, the mpem reads it, acknowledge it, then able to start ski/boat. Wrong/unprogrammed key = no start.
DESS, (Digital Electrical Security System) is a security system that works hand in hand with the MPEM,(Multi Purpose Electrical Module) which controls all the electrical components in the electrical dept of the seadoo. The Dess is programed to work directly with the MPEM. if you have the wrong Lanyard it won't allow you to bypass anything in the mpen so you can't steal or hot wire the seadoo. You can only get a new lanyard programed by a authorized seadoo dealer that has software to get into the MPEM and reprogram it.
I was wondering i have a 96 xp and a 95 xp. The 96 xp has the dess and my 95 xp doesnt have the dess just a simple push down kill switch. I was wondering if i could get a kill switch like the 95 and put on my 96 so i dont have to fork out the money for those expensive keys and to get them programmed
If you have dess and you have the lanyard and lanyard cap you could convert it over but what purpose would it serve. The idea that I have I do believe would work but I am not sure that it would be a good idea to change what you have. I can allways be wrong. Robin :cheers: