Crazy ants invade Texas

Crazy ants, killer bees, all the news that is the news. What's next??? I had a crazy aunt. Oh never mind, where's that delete key?

Sorry to disrupt this thread but Martians have invaded and landed in Lake Michigan. It was reported some guy running around on his Seadoo welcoming them to the lake. Weekend warriors rushed to the area to beat them to death with opas paddles. The Martians were then exposed to the dreaded Google virus and started to die off so they decided to leave but the warp drive on the spaceship had flooded with pink rv antifreeze as they were winterizing the spaceship. They tried to bleed out the oil lines on the warp drive but they are gravity fed so that didn't help. A professional mechanic was sent out to put in a new warp drive but the spaceship went straight to WOT and crashed on takeoff because the professional mechanic didn't know about the break in process. The dead alien bodies have all been shrink wrapped. I'll post pics later.
Well Jake you just about covered the last dozen or so threads in this story.
I'm sending it to CNN and maybe it will go viral and yo'ems willm be famous like.
Sorry to disrupt this thread but Martians have invaded and landed in Lake Michigan. It was reported some guy running around on his Seadoo welcoming them to the lake. Weekend warriors rushed to the area to beat them to death with opas paddles. The Martians were then exposed to the dreaded Google virus and started to die off so they decided to leave but the warp drive on the spaceship had flooded with pink rv antifreeze as they were winterizing the spaceship. They tried to bleed out the oil lines on the warp drive but they are gravity fed so that didn't help. A professional mechanic was sent out to put in a new warp drive but the spaceship went straight to WOT and crashed on takeoff because the professional mechanic didn't know about the break in process. The dead alien bodies have all been shrink wrapped. I'll post pics later.

Jake, Is this a northern fairy tale or a southern fairy tale?

Jake, Is this a northern fairy tale or a southern fairy tale?


Well I heard the story from some dumb bastard over at the walmart and he did start the story with "ya'll aint gonna believe this sh*t" so I guess that makes it Southern.
I heard a similar story down here.It started'G"Day mate.How the hell areya.Hows yer bum for grubs. Are you still playin' with the Roos in the top paddock?Seems like.Same thing with me.Ok.Going out to the shed to round up all the tools."
And we still have not heard from a Texan.
I guess they were eaten by the giant ants.....
(can I have your skis???)
Guys, I think we might be sexist here. What about crazy uncles? In our family I think we have more crazy uncles than crazy aunts.

every family has that one really crazy uncle that ya just try to tolerate and be polite too. I'm not quite sure who that is in our family :D