Concerns after "Crushed Glass Blasting" need HELP!

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Hey Everyone,

I will try to list my concerns as questions in point form, I would really appreciate some help! I Went to a local you blast place and used 3 methods of blasting, for the exhaust i made sure to tape everything off and used coarse mineral blasting to remove old 99% of the old paint. for simple cleaning i used soda blasting, and for most of the work i used crushed glass to blast old paint off the engine and other parts making sure i taped all the mating surfaces as best as i could.

below are my concerns/ questions (No 1 is my biggest concern):

1. I blasted the inside of the cylinder head cover and it seems like there might have been a coating on the inside of the cylinder head cover pic 1 shows what it looks like now, pic 2 shows the dark greyish coating that was on the inside, what is that coating ? and is it a concern ? should i replace the cylinder head cover?

2. There is a crack on the cylinder head cover shown in pic 1 its on the side ( does not seem to affect the water flow or disrupt it, is it a concern? should i crack the whole piece and remove it ? or leave it as is ?

3. in pic 1 there was a bit of overspray onto the cylinder head where it removed some of the coating on the bottom, is this a concern? mating surface a bit dull but i doubt it affected the mating surface as it was super fine crushed glass and it does not look affected or pitted in any way.

4. Is the paint in the pic 3 good to use on exhaust and engine or do i need high temp paint and primer separately ( please note the whole exhaust system was blasted seen in pic 6) ?

5. i blasted the rave valve housings including the mating surfaces with fine crushed glass no pitting at all (Pic 4). is this okay or is the mating surface toast? similarly in picture 5

6. are these mating surfaces concerned clean? i feel like they are clean enough as i cant seem to clean them any further ( pic 7)

7. there is a small gouge on the case in pic 8 and 9 is this a concern ?

8. Lastly there seems to be pitting as shown in pic 10 on the case, please keep in mind i did not blast that area and it was fully taped off. is this normal ? anything to be concerned about ?

I apologize in advance, for being annoying and super OCD about everything but I'm doing a full rebuild and would like everything to be as perfect as possible.

Thank you in advance for all the help!


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Everything is fine just make sure you clean it lots and lots of times as any abrasive left behind will destroy engine bearings.

As you have removed all the factory primer you should use a zinc primer before painting.

No need for high temp paint.
I would paint the inside water channels with Glyptal. It's expensive but it works Whenever I have a problem surface, usually inside the mag housing I clean it up really good and spray with Glyptal. It is an excellent engine protectant.

RX Engine in Shop 5-4-22 Assembly (7).JPEG

Engine assemble XP 787 (4).JPEG
After cleaning, id tap case parts with a rubber mallet to make sure all nooks are clear of media. Soak it in a hot bath if you have one….scrub scrub, rinse rinse!!!
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