New Member
Has any one done this? I have a 2006 Challenger and im thinking of altering the air intake. It seems like I can get maybe a little more power and maybe a cooler sound out of this under acceleration? I have been looking at the air box and tubing and it seem kind of restrictive. The module on top of the box I think is the voltage regulator and not a mass air flow sensor so I def can move this. I was told something about the riva 4in intake. I looked it up and didn’t quite seem to find the part I thought I was looking for. I think with a little creativity I can do this with a K&N filter and some good tubing for a little cheaper. If anyone has any insight to altering this intake on a rotax 215 s/c let me know! Ill def post some pics after I do this mod, well as long as i don’t hear anything bad about it!
THANX! :cheers:
THANX! :cheers: