I had a ton of steering issues at low speed due to being a novice. Especially at slow speeds while docking with high winds or waves. This drastically fixed the issue with my islandia. Can even steer after turning the engines off.
The major downside is you lose a bit of “jet ski” type whip turns but personally i feel the better control at low speed or no engines was worth it. Also much better handling. Steering is stiffer as well due to the drag with the fin when turning.
There are some newer model fins that are spring loaded that get pushed up and out of the water the faster you go. I would have gotten these more expensive models but they didn't make them for my older 2006 islandia.
i also looked at thrust vectors since their models are spring loaded as well. However they are plastic instead of stainless steel. I however was considering them but ended up not being able to since my jet nozzle has a cut out in the nozzle and the ring portion of the thrust vector that slides on to the nozzle would have blocked the cut out in the nozzle. If you dont have the cutout you may want to look at the thrust vectors as well if you can live with plastic.