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Cleaned Carb, no fuel?

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New Member
I just got a 98 XP limited 4 days ago and noticed the Surging. From what i found on the boards here, i repalced the fuel lines with new ones, fuel filter, and took the carbs off yesterday and cleaned the micro carb filters in them (they were filthy). I got everything back together. How long is it supose to take to get the thing started again. by this i mean how long does the engine have to crank to get fuel through the entire carb again and fire up.

She crank over a few times with the aid of the primer, and the fuel filter housing is full of fuel.

is there a way i can put a vacume on the return line outta the carb to "encourage" the gas through the system as she is cranking?

New to all this here, any help would be appreciated.

just got her back from the lake. She'll fire, with enough pumps from the primer, and about half the time she'll idle in the water. the half the time she won't start unless yuo primer her again.

if she is running and you give her gas, she'll get to about 3-5k RPM's but just for a few seconds then DIE. although she'll get there quick she dies.

i'm guessing maybe the A/f ratio is off? or do i just need to rip the carbs off again and do a total rebuild on them?
When you went through the carbs, did you adjust the high speed and low speed adjusters? If you did, it can cause this if they are not set correctly. The low speed adjusts for a smooth idle, and the high speed adjusts extra fuel with the main jet. Also, you should clean the accelerator pump nozzles too. The squirt fuel into the motor when you punch it.
Try putting plastic bags over the throats of the carbs(with flame arrestor off)and turning it over.
Double check to make sure all of your line to the carbs are on correctly.Mine did the same thing and it ended up being that the return and intake lines were crossed.
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