Cheesy Anti-pooling poles

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Ok, so I am really tired of the cheesy anti-pooling poles and the cap they put on them that break and have the potential to tear the cover.

That and the fact that when set on the rear seat of our challengers, it has the potential to tear the seat over time. Mine caused a little rip, and that was it, I needed an alternate solution.

Thats when I realized that if I put a piece of PVC over the ski pylon and cut it to roughly 21" it was within 4" of the top of the rear anti-pooling pole. So that and a piece of PVC-T adapter, and I have a much more sturdy Anti-pooling pole that will not rip my seat or my cover. I also put a layer of adhesive backed neoprene on the T to help even more.

I fed the straps through the T and used a Caribeaner to pull all three straps together. We still use the tube to support the cover over the bow section. This is the best solution for not allowing air to drag while towing the boat. I like to tow the boat covered to eliminate wear on the rear sundeck, which likes to balloon up.

Check out the photos. Good luck if you do it yourself.


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Great idea.

Good thing you took off all those multi C-clamps.....they would have played havoc with the cover......LOL....:)
I dont use the poles. my Poppy cover fits like a glove. With the bimini on the boat, it makes it fit even tighter and its raised perfectly to keep water off.
Good idea.

I guess the OEM cover poles are thinner/weaker than the Poppy cover poles, because I've never had an issue with them.
The poles themselves are plenty strong. The black plastic caps that the straps attach to a flimsy. The worst part was the pole sat best on the seat. And it put a small crack in my seat, so I wanted to get it off of there.
Call Poppy Covers and bite the bullet and pay the $250-350 you will be glad you did. As a matter of fact They may even sell you just the poles.
I have no issues with the cover itself. It fits well and tows down the highway really well. The anti pooling poles were needed since it is a boat of this size. No matter who's cover it would have been, there would have been sag in the middle of the back.

The tube works great in the bow, but something was needed in the rear. So far, my rig is working nice and I won't be worrying about the poles falling down, or tearing the cover.

Question on your spare tire mount. It looks like the tire is an an angle. Did the mount come with your trailer, or did you buy it separately...and if separately...where? I'm looking at a way to mount a spare tire on my Utopia trailer.
I bought it after the fact as no spare came with my trailer. I have issues with traveling without a spare. These tire mounts are everywhere. Trailer supply stores etc. I actually bought mine at the seadoo dealer, for some reason they had the best price.

The angle is perfect and there is no chance of hitting it with the hull. Be sure not to crimp your brake line when mounting it.
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