Check out this video!!!

It may start... but it will be running incredibly lean. If you put a real load on it... it would roast the engine.
that is what i figured. do you think an engine could be designed around the technology though?

Sure. The old spark ignition diesel did that along time ago. They would vaporize gasoline, and start the engine... then it would switch over to diesel. (lol) Then someone invented good batteries, and glow plugs.

Um.... Yes and no.

YES: anything is possible... but once the petrol is vaporized... it's hard to control/meter. Also... it's highly explosive.

YES #2: They already did that in conventional carburetors, going back into the 50's. It was a device called an emulsion tube. Basically... they would introduce air into the housing around the main jet, and it would help atomize the fuel.

And for the BIG NO....

There is no magic with this. Energy can't be created or destroyed. It can only be converted. SO... you can do a direct conversion from HP to KW to BTU's. SO... to make "X" amount of HP, will require "X" amount of "BTU's", minus the losses of the conversion. (Efficiency of the engine) With that said... our gas engines are horribly inefficient. There's a butt load of loss in friction, inertia, and simple loss trying to keep it from melting.

Anyway, to make it simple... if you want 100hp... you have to feed it 100hp worth of BTU's to push the pistons.

I know I've seen guys do this with lawn mower engines... and they say it will run for hours on a gallon of fuel. (with no real load) But, my 10hp riding mower will go 2 hr's on a quart of fuel, while cutting grass, and pulling my 240 Lb butt all over. So... I'm not sure what those vids are trying to prove.
Hey Jake, ain't that cousin Cletis from up the holler, he's always figgerin things out. BTW, I think I want to send your wife back and exchange her for Sheridan, not that I don't appreciate it, but she can't "cook" like Sheridan. I'm putting her on the 4 o'clock bus, she should be there first thing in the morning.

Won't the fumes in the gas can eventually disappear. How would get them more gas for the can???????