Check engine light?
Welcome SeaBeast!
First let me say, your quetion will probably not be able to be answered by one of us because we can't do a diagnostic test on your machine.
You don't state whether it's a RFI (Rotax Fuel Inj.) or the DI (Direct Inj.) but no matter, the GTX is a sophisticated piece of equipment with so many sensors that constantly adjust your engine for optimum performance that if the check engine light continues to come on, I'd probably take it to a specialist where they have 2 pieces of equipment for reading fault codes for this engine.
This engine is equipped with an ECU (electronic control unit) which recieves 5 signals, the throttle postion sensor, crankshaft, air temp., water temp., and air pressure sensors. The ECU then uses those signals to adjust the air/fuel ratio for optimum engine performance. The ecu also limits max rpm's with a rev limit of 7200 rpms. If that light is only flashing during the time your at full throttle, then maybe the limiter is faulting allowing you to exceed those limits. Still to hard to say.
The MPEM (multi purpose electronic module) recieves and stores information from the ECU along with distributing info., start/stop function, timer, vehicle hours and the DESS (digital electronic security system).
So you see, we can answer questions to issues like, "my engine is bogging down at low rpm's and then at top end it runs strong".....this is indicative of a sticking RAVE valve. We get most of our answers directly from a trouble shooting guide for the model you are asking about. As a premium member, you can get the same info. The rest of our information comes from direct experience with certain types of craft.
I hope this gives you some insight into what we can and can't do. I hope you find your problem. It should also be noted in this reply that if the blinking "check engine" light is determined by the MPEM programmer reading the fault code to be a faulty water temp sensor, then that doesn't necessarily mean that if it blinks again on someone else's machine, or even yours, that it's the same problem. It can be anything in the ECU or MPEM system.
Good luck, and once again, I hope you find your problem and have years of great fun on such a great water machine!.......