Nate Surveyor
New Member
What is the best way to change oil on a 2-stroke oil injection Doo?
We all know that mixing oil is bad. Well, I just found out that I probably should drain my oil tank, drain my lines, and change back to the proper oil.
Here is a quote from Karl, from the forum:
"Use High quality low ASH API TC Injector oil.
Do Not use NMMA TC-W, TC-W2 or TC-W3 outboard motor oils or other ash less type 2 cycle oil. Avoid mixing different brands of API TC oil as resulting chemical reaction will cause severe engine damage. Never mix Mineral or synthetics oil together.":agree:
Now, I just discovered that the PREVIOUS owner of my Doo was PROBABLY running Quicksilver TCW-3 in this doo. :ack
I am in process of double checking it) It actually LOOKS like the nearly clear bluish synthetic stuff in the tank)
But, to change the oils, I ask:
CAN I use an air pressure hose, to BLOW the old oil out of the lines, and through the bottom of the motor, through the rotary valve?
OR can I use a vacuum to do it?
I could empty the 2 stroke injector tank, and then hook one end to the carb on the truck, and suck it out, until it is clear!)
Or, use the air compressor, and blow it through, until it was clear.
Then, empty down through the filter on the 2 stroke feed line, that feeds the oil pump, and quit.
Then, put all new oil in the tank, and leave the line to the oil pump open, and let it drip out, to eliminate air bubbles, and assemble the line.
Then, add air pressure, or vacuum to get all the bubbles out of the rotary valve.
BUT my question is WILL IT WORK, and will it do the job right?
What is the proper procedure to change the oils in a 2 stroke Doo, with the injector pump?
And, is my above a recipe for disaster?
Otherwise, it appears that I would have to remove the engine, to gain access to the rotary valves in the bottom of the engine. (This is not my idea of fun!)
I sort of think that too much pressure could be bad, or too much vacuum, could damage seals. Maybe a HAND PUMP, like a ball pump, or a HAND vacuum?
We all know that mixing oil is bad. Well, I just found out that I probably should drain my oil tank, drain my lines, and change back to the proper oil.
Here is a quote from Karl, from the forum:
"Use High quality low ASH API TC Injector oil.
Do Not use NMMA TC-W, TC-W2 or TC-W3 outboard motor oils or other ash less type 2 cycle oil. Avoid mixing different brands of API TC oil as resulting chemical reaction will cause severe engine damage. Never mix Mineral or synthetics oil together.":agree:
Now, I just discovered that the PREVIOUS owner of my Doo was PROBABLY running Quicksilver TCW-3 in this doo. :ack

But, to change the oils, I ask:
CAN I use an air pressure hose, to BLOW the old oil out of the lines, and through the bottom of the motor, through the rotary valve?
OR can I use a vacuum to do it?
I could empty the 2 stroke injector tank, and then hook one end to the carb on the truck, and suck it out, until it is clear!)
Or, use the air compressor, and blow it through, until it was clear.
Then, empty down through the filter on the 2 stroke feed line, that feeds the oil pump, and quit.
Then, put all new oil in the tank, and leave the line to the oil pump open, and let it drip out, to eliminate air bubbles, and assemble the line.
Then, add air pressure, or vacuum to get all the bubbles out of the rotary valve.
BUT my question is WILL IT WORK, and will it do the job right?
What is the proper procedure to change the oils in a 2 stroke Doo, with the injector pump?
And, is my above a recipe for disaster?
Otherwise, it appears that I would have to remove the engine, to gain access to the rotary valves in the bottom of the engine. (This is not my idea of fun!)
I sort of think that too much pressure could be bad, or too much vacuum, could damage seals. Maybe a HAND PUMP, like a ball pump, or a HAND vacuum?