Maybe an hour...
If I wanted to do it in a race, I could probably do it in 30 minutes. But I'm always slow and deliberate.
The bottle comes in 6 oz's and you'll use almost all of it. The fill hole is on top of the cone, so when you pull the nozzle off, you'll see it pretty easily. You remove the cone to drain the oil. When you take the cone off, leave it off for a little while, because oil from inside the bearing housing will continue to drain for a little while. There is a tight clearance between the shaft and washer, so let it drain for about 10 or 15 minutes.........Nose the boat up as much as possible, so it angles the pump downward.
It's really not hard if you can use a socket wrench and allen wrench's. Take the linkage apart without moving the settings, then those four bolts holding the nozzle's that simple.
You can always post in the forum if you need more help. If you don't get an answer on your question and I happen to over look it, you can PM me.......:cheers: