Doesn't the manual say mineral based oil only?
the owners manual says mineral oil only, but says all oil changes need to be performed by an authorized dealer.
I have the supercharged model. I'll have to see if the oil cap specifies anything, but I was really hoping to find the sea doo kit so that I can have it all in one nice package (filter, plugs, o-rings and oil)
I 2nd this ^^^ Listing clearly states "For all 4-stroke Sea-Doo engines." and includes the correct replacement specification Seadoo branded oil. Seadoo no longer offers straight mineral for the 4-tec so this is what you need, correct for SC 4-tec.
Or for the SC wet clutch you could look for JASCO MA specification, which meets requirements for motorcycle wet clutches
My 2009 180 SE manual calls for mineral oil but the dealer says the blended synthetic in the standard kits is correct to use. I have been using the kit package for past 6 years. A little pricey but it is handy to get the plugs filter and gaskets in one box.