Hi, I am winterizing a 1997 Challenger 1800 for my first time. I installed the three hose pinchers, like the manual said. One on the Flush line after the T fitting, so the antifreeze would flow from the upper flush port into the engine. One on the Cylinder Head line and one on the smaller cylinder bottom drain line. While pouring the antifreeze into the top flush port, the antifreeze did not come out the telltale line, like the manual said it would, instead it started to leak into the hull and drain out around the ride shoe. I released the clamp on the cylinder line, poured in some more antifreeze and it started to come out the exhaust also, like I expected. Both engines did the same thing. Anyone have any idea of what I am doing wrong? Without seeing antifreeze in the telltale line, i am worried I did not fill the top of the engine.