New Member
First time on the water with my 1997 seadoo challenger 1800...had a great time.... but i noticed that the rpm on the engines was not sync... it had at least 1000 rpm difference (sorry i didn't check how much the difference was). So what i did is just match the rpm's so it wouldn't damage my engines... the lever was not sync, ones was higher than other.... so a real hasle.:facepalm: Does anybody know if i just ajust the throttle linkage at the carbs to match rpms or is there something else that i should check first.
Secondly i noticed that in the water when im at speeds i really have a hard time turning, the steering is very stiff, even at idle its stiff. I know it has twins but i can't even turn quickly if i need to avoid something.... i find this dangerous. Out of the water..its easy to go left to right so only in water when engines are functionning. help
Secondly i noticed that in the water when im at speeds i really have a hard time turning, the steering is very stiff, even at idle its stiff. I know it has twins but i can't even turn quickly if i need to avoid something.... i find this dangerous. Out of the water..its easy to go left to right so only in water when engines are functionning. help