Cellphone tapatalk pictures


New Member
Hi guys, am I the only one that has some issues when trying to look at a picture on the forum on tapatalk with cellphone? Sometimes it's loading the picture but most of time its not loading and the picture stays all foggy?
Hi guys, am I the only one that has some issues when trying to look at a picture on the forum on tapatalk with cellphone? Sometimes it's loading the picture but most of time its not loading and the picture stays all foggy?

My TapAtalk works perfectly. I have Verizon which is 4g LTE. Very fast as far as mobile phones go.
This is what it looks like :
It's wierd, all the pictures you guys are posting, it's loading just fine! But I could go on another post and try to look at a pictures and its either gonna work or not. I think I will send an email to the service dept of tapatalk.
It's wierd, all the pictures you guys are posting, it's loading just fine! But I could go on another post and try to look at a pictures and its either gonna work or not. I think I will send an email to the service dept of tapatalk.

Try this, upload a screen shot (Home button and power button at the same time) and see if it is clear. If so, it is probably your camera. Take a look where the lens hole is. Is the glass scratched, cracked, or have something on it.
No it's only on the forum when im trying to look at a picture that someone else posted on the forum. You know when you click on the picture to Get it full screen or zoom.
Doing a little googling, it could be your carrier down rezing large format images. If you zoom in does it clean up?

Sent from my subconscious mind.
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Doing a little googling, it could be your carrier down rezing large format images. If you zoom in does it clean up?

Sent from my subconscious mind.

I have also read that some carriers slow down your speed once you hit 10 gig of use. It's still unlimited, just at a lesser quality. Verizon doesn't do this. You pay for what you use but it is all at 4G LTE speed.

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