Active Member
This morning I purchased Clymers 88-96 Shop Manual so I could get my Doo's running after sitting in my garage for 18 months while I was doing a tour of duty in far away places where camels and rag heads reside.
(When the problem arose a few weeks, the boys from this site got me access to a SD officialshop manual pro-bono, but, today when I tried to retirieve it I needed a password, so, that killed that possibility)
Getting back to my problem, I took them out a few weeks ago after my return and after the wife and I started them up and drove away, they putterd, then would stop as soon as we accelerated. The process repeated itself, so I presumed gum buildup in the carb filters from sitting idle for 18 months.
I removed the flame arrestor quite easily (I hope I did not strip the hex nuts by using the wrong hex size nut, size 30) but, when I got to removing the throttle, Clymer simply states, "remove the throttle from the FA." No dung! Duh! Didn't advise or show how to do that chore.
That is BS advice.
Can someone please tell me how that is done, as well as the other cable below the throttle.
Also, can I simply clean out the jets and filter without re-building the entire carb? I figure, the only problem is gum buildup in the filter and jets, so, if the rest is working, no reason to fix it. Maybe that is too much Army thinking and I need a Swabee to get my mind right.
Finally, am I going in the right direction to remedy my problem. Should I do something else also.
I've spent a while on the theads, but found no answer to removing those damn cables set forth above.
All help welcome.
Joe (95 Bravo)
(When the problem arose a few weeks, the boys from this site got me access to a SD officialshop manual pro-bono, but, today when I tried to retirieve it I needed a password, so, that killed that possibility)
Getting back to my problem, I took them out a few weeks ago after my return and after the wife and I started them up and drove away, they putterd, then would stop as soon as we accelerated. The process repeated itself, so I presumed gum buildup in the carb filters from sitting idle for 18 months.
I removed the flame arrestor quite easily (I hope I did not strip the hex nuts by using the wrong hex size nut, size 30) but, when I got to removing the throttle, Clymer simply states, "remove the throttle from the FA." No dung! Duh! Didn't advise or show how to do that chore.
That is BS advice.
Can someone please tell me how that is done, as well as the other cable below the throttle.
Also, can I simply clean out the jets and filter without re-building the entire carb? I figure, the only problem is gum buildup in the filter and jets, so, if the rest is working, no reason to fix it. Maybe that is too much Army thinking and I need a Swabee to get my mind right.
Finally, am I going in the right direction to remedy my problem. Should I do something else also.
I've spent a while on the theads, but found no answer to removing those damn cables set forth above.
All help welcome.
Joe (95 Bravo)