Well this is a good news, bad news good news post... with the new solas, the boat was much better- I picked up 5mph on the top end and only touched the rev limiter in the worst conditions (against wind/current) from a dead stop. All went for well for about 3-4 hours.
Then the bed news, on my way back to the dock I noticed that I couldn't get back up on plane and it started to porpoise real bad. When I opened hatch I had water up to the supercharger!
After I drained the boat I pulled it apart, hoping that the carbon ring was just pushed back into the boot but after disassembly, the damage was very clear. For some reason the front half of the new carbon seal broke off and I was sucking water in big time.The front half of the ring was missing completely from about where it was clamped forward and the hat/collar shows signs of heat... not sure what would cause this unless I sucked something like a bag into the driveshaft that stopped water from cooling/lubricating the carbon ring. Open to ideas if anyone has seen this before.
The good news (ish)... I measured the "headspace" on an old carbon ring and determined that they stick out about 6mm from the boot. The back side (all that is left) of the new carbon ring is also machined flat so I flipped it over and spaced it out from the boot exactly 6mm using a ziptie as a spacer then cranked the clamp down good and tight. Put everything back together and dropped it back in the water last night. We cruised around at low speed (up to 25mph) for about 45 min constantly checking the (insert your favorite adjective; ghetto,cob-job, etc) carbon ring and it actually seems to work and I was back to full power, no cavitation.
Its supposed to by 95 today so I am hoping to nurse it along for the afternoon. I have a new carbon ring/collar kit on order...
someone remind me when boat ownership becomes less "exciting" and more fun?!?