The carb indeed has both HI and LOW adjustment screws - UNDER brass slug plugs.
In the past, at different times, I purchased [2] carbs for my 97 GTI's [717 engine]. Both had caps over the hi and low screws - presumeabley to prevent maladjustments of "correctly pre-adjusted" screws. On mine, the "cap" is a 3/16" thick brass slug. I drilled one out to investigate - see pic, showing brass plug [drilled out] and recessed screw underneath. In this case, it was the hi-speed jet, which for my boat called to be set at "0" [fully closed] - and the screw itself indeed was set fully closed per spec.
Unfortuneately, this "protection" makes it impossible to remove adjustment screws for inspection or cleaning, unless one drills out the slug [which could be problematic].
Some other carbs / configs cover the screws with a plastic cap that limits adjustment of the screw to about 1/8 turn in or out of spec. On those, just pull the plastic cap off the screw to reveal the screw/slot.