New Member
hello all I could use some expertise here. so my boat will run good for about 30 or 40 minutes. no problems what so ever. then it doesn't want to start. and when I finally get it to start it barely hits 2000 rpms. it sounds like it choking out. its left me stranded a couple times and is getting old. well last time I had it out and it was acting up, only running about 2k rpms I opened up the hood while it was running and almost instantly it opened back up and started running wide open. but as soon as I shut it it starts bogging back down again. well im not the most mechanically inclined but seems pretty clear to me that its not getting enough air.... another thing I noticed is there was what I thought much more water back there then what I thought there should of been. I also noticed that water was coming in through the pto shroud.... so sry about the long post but anyway will water in the engine bay cause the engine to choke out? the two air holes on the side didn't look obstructed.