burned by a shop, capecoraljetskirepair.com aka mobile jetski doctor


New Member
let me start off by saying I don't normally do this type of thing, I don't get overly angry and just go on a bashing spree when someone screws me over. The only reason I am telling my story is so that other's don't get screwed over like I did.

On Monday July 16th I dropped off my 99 GTX to a mechanic in Cape Coral, FL.

Their name: Mobile Jetski Doctor or capecoraljetskirepair.com

I found them online and on a blog, I assumed since they come up right away in a google search and on several occasions they must be a well known company.

So I talked to the guy who I assumed was the mechanic "Skip" for about 3 days before I brought my Seadoo to him on that Monday.

My first clue should of been that he had me bring it to his house, He has jet skis in his backyard he is working on. In Cape Coral it is illegal to run a business out of your home, Which is why he must of called himself a "mobile" jet ski repair to keep under the radar. My second clue should of been that he isn't the mechanic, He has some guy that barely speaks english work on them who seemed fairly knowledgeable but couldn't really tell me anything.

The reason I brought my ski in was it was my first one and I was have a bogging issue when I accelerated, I know nothing about them and I wanted someone who was knowledgable to go over it with a fine toothed comb and fix any issues that were there or that could come up later. I put my trust in this guy that he was going to take care of the issues at hand.

What we discussed were having the carbs rebuilt, old fuel drained out, new wear ring installed and some other little stuff

I dropped it off on Monday the 16th, I called him on Friday the 20th because I hadn't heard anything from him and he told me they were going to order the parts (not sure why they were not ordered a few days before but okay)

I called again on Wednesday the 25th where I was told the carb kits were there and they were getting them rebuilt and they were just waiting on another part they had to order from Seadoo (even though SBT had the part and is in Clearwater which would only take them a day to get it here, Oh and they had ordered the wear ring from SBT)

I call again on Friday because he had said he was going to call me and let me know when the part would be in, He said we will get the part Monday and have it together for you by Tuesday the 31st because the carbs are done and the wear ring is on

So I call Monday night to set up a time to pick it up and he said the part didn't come in it would be there Tuesday and I could have it by Wednesday

No call from him, So I call and he tells me it will be ready Friday for sure
I call Thursday August 4th to see what was up and he says that they had an issue with some screws not coming loose on the carbs and would need to soak them for a few days and it would be done Monday

So I say to him "I thought the carbs were done.." his reply is "well they are done we just have a few screws that are not working out and we don't want to strip them so we need to soak them a few days"

I asked him about the wear ring he says "it's on but the jet pump isn't back together" so now he is telling me it's not done when he said a week ago that it was? I get in touch with another mechanic who was suggested to me by a member on this forum and he relays to me that he knows someone that was screwed over by this guy when they forgot to put an oil line back on a new engine and it blew and the guy refused to compensate him in any way. So I decided I was done playing games and I called the guy back up and told him I was going to be picking up my Seadoo on Friday and to put everything in a box that isn't back on my ski. He fumbles a bit and finally says okay, The mechanic I had been talking to said that he would go with me to pick up my Seadoo to make sure everything is there (because if something was missing, I wouldn't have a clue)

We get there and the guy I brought with me goes over and notices that they just sat my seat back on it without putting the brace back on, So basically there would be nothing holding the seat on it when I would be going down the highway. Then this cape coral jet ski mechanic brings out the box of parts and the carbs are in pieces and the rebuild kits are STILL IN THE BAG. He told me a week and a half prior that the carbs were DONE. The only thing that had been done to them was they were pulled apart. The new wear ring was on the jet pump but it was in pieces. After a few mixed words between the guy and the cape coral mechanic I agreed to pay him for the parts and what work he "said" was done.

Including new spark plugs that he charged me $12 freakin dollars for. (they're $2.49 at the part store. x2)

We get it to this new guys shop and he pulls the plugs out and they are my OLD plugs, There are no new plugs anywhere. Then he puts the key on it an there are no beeps. He tries a few different things and then puts a different DESS post on it and it gets two beeps. My DESS post worked fine before I dropped it off. So then we go to looking through and I notice that the battery that is in my Seadoo is not the one I dropped it off with. How do I know? Because I paid almost $100 for a new battery from SBT a few days before I dropped it off to this guy. The battery I got from SBT was all black, as it shows on their website, As it shows in the photo I took when I was taking pictures of my engine bay. The battery that is in it now is a non sealed half white and black battery that is not even from this YEAR. Last but not least there were SEVERAL pieces missing from my carbs, Thank God the new mechanic has them around his shop that he is nice enough to let me use but I had to buy new needles/seats (again).

So I call this guy up also known as Skip and I nicely tell him the issues, He starts off by saying "I just want to tell you that I am a stage 4 cancer patient and a very religious man" okay..so does that make it okay to screw me?

he spends about a half hour saying "why would I break your DESS post? Why would I steal your battery? oh yeah...I talked to the mechanic and he says he forgot to put the plugs in so I'll send you a check for $12"

I told him it wasn't that I thought he broke my DESS post it's that it was working when I dropped it off and now it's not, And that I have the wrong battery and he should ADDRESS these issues since I just paid him a buttload of money for NOTHING being done. He then tried to tell me that he gave me an "Almost $20 break on parts" and that he can show me proof that he did so that makes him an "honest guy"

So $20 in parts and now I have to buy a $80 battery and a $70 DESS post and $30 in needles/seats oh and pay someone else to do the job he was SUPPOSED to do. After he charged me for three hours of labor and all he did was take my carbs apart and my jet pump???? he tried to explain how because he only charges $45 an hour for labor that I got a "great deal". I explained that I would of gladly paid someone DOUBLE that if they would of gotten the job done and did it correctly.

I really hope that this is just a fluke, and that I just had some bad luck. I really hope this guy isn't just screwing people over all the time. I could have gotten over the DESS post and the mistake on the spark plugs. But being that it's been three weeks, I was lied to, I was told things were done that were not, and I had to pick up my Seadoo in pieces and now buy parts that he lost and all he offered me back was $12. It's just a bit much

I can see why people buy jet skis and get out of them quickly, because stuff like this happens and they get a bad taste in their mouth. But then again that happens with everything. Anyways, I just wanted to put this out there for people considering this guys business. You can draw your own opinion from this situation, But as for me I will never be doing business with capecoraljetskirepair or mobile jet ski doctor or whatever they may call themselves. I may be a newb, and a girl. But I won't be taken advantage of
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I am really pissed-off in your behalf, and I do not even know you.

Maybe it is not worth your time and trouble, and I do not know the Florida rules, but I would probably be making a claim against this person in small claims court. You do have to have good documentation regarding the details of costs of initial repairs and costs to get things redone correctly, but at least in California you can possibly get it all back plus the cost of hiring a collection agency and all court costs.

Possibly at the mention of this action, this guy might magically "find" your new battery and make further adjustments. People working under the legal radar typically do not like to have any daylight cast upon them.

Maybe this is not you, but I have gotten very intollerant of scum-bags like this ... especially those who try to take advantage of girls.

I am certain Dennis has given you some good words and there are a lot of good people out here willing to help.

Good luck.

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Actually i'm glad you took the time to voice your complaint, and if you find him in google, can't you post a review there as well ? to help the next guy/gal that is about to get screwed.

I did play a small part in this transaction since I was the one that suggested the "new guy" only after I heard the first part of the story and I hope that he has you on the water this weekend, wind blowing in your face and your smiling from ear to ear with a renewed passion about PWC's.

The forums are here not only to help others in our DIY projects, but also when it's applicable to help direct others to the right people to do the job, do it right, and for a fair price. Even a perfectly maintained ski will break from time to time, its part of the deal, but having a quality repair tech that you can trust is the only way you will stay with the sport, otherwise, like many others, you'll just give up and find something less expensive and frustrating.

Your first "shop" fits the definition of a shade tree mechanic to a T, and i'm not knocking guys that do marine/auto repairs out of their garage at all, just stating that they come good and bad, sadly you stumbled across the latter type.

if he ever "finds" your battery, and misc parts, i'd be curious, and happy to pick them up for you if you wish, this clown is only about 10 minutes from my house :)

I was also screwed in a similar way back about 4 yrs ago with another local mechanic down in bonita, in the end I just bit the bullet, paid up and left with bad feelings, but I certainly have spread the word about him as well privately and i've definitely cost him more business than he screwed me out of, i know quite a few local riders so the word gets around.
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I sent him (skip) a nice long email 2 days ago explaining in detail exactly how much money he has cost me including sending him the invoice for the parts I had to buy (and/or buy again) , Haven't heard a thing back from him.

I did get to go out this weekend on my mom's waverunners on Sunday and had a blast, got to remind myself how much fun it is and allowed myself to get over the situation. At this point I'm just happy to know my GTX is in good hands, according to Fedex he will get my new parts dropped off to him today that he needed to put things back together with and I'm hoping for good some news in a few days about it.
Sorry to hear the issues. At my shop... I'm not even a "PWC" mechanic... but the locals hate the dealerships, and the one independent shop that is in Pittsburgh. So... I get stuck working on them.

I do have a theory on the battery and post. Well... since the guy is slow to order parts... I bet the mechanic will take what is needed to fix the ski of the person yelling the loudest. I guarantee that battery went out the door in someone else's ski, and they paid him +$100 for it.
wow that really sucks, I would call the police on him and say he stole your brand new battery from your ski....show them the bill of sale. Doubt they will arrest the guy but I'm pretty sure they will get your new battery back...or at least the money back!! It's really hard finding a good, honest mechanic in Florida...I have had really bad experiences from 2 different shops to the point I try to do as much on my own as possible. Good luck!!
What a nightmare!!! Thanks Spimothy for jumping in to assist. Good luck getting you GTX back on the water soon.
What a nightmare!!! Thanks Spimothy for jumping in to assist. Good luck getting you GTX back on the water soon.

it was already a clusterfvck by the time I was asked about it. Actually If i remember, I got involved indirectly since I had already made a suggestion of who to call and when the OP's relatives had a problem with their ski while this situation was dragging on, she decided to try out my suggested person, rather than taking it to this clown. (burn me once,, shame on you...)

All I did was what most nice people would do, help out a fellow rider, further the sport, enjoy the water, that's what its all about. I don't participate in this forum or any pwc forum for anything other than payback to the guys/gals that kept me running and on the water when I had issues and didn't know a dam thing about ski's, and was ready just to hang it up and find a new hobby. (I still really don't know how to fix many things, i just know what needs fixed) My fingers are better suited pushing pencils around, not turning wrenches. The only thing I know about squish is that it hurts when it happens to my fingers :(

I've met some absolutely wonderful people out there, we've share many smiles, had some good laughs, towed each other in, criss-crossed hundreds of miles of our local waterways, and its been a fantastic experience. I wouldn't trade it for anything :)

oh, and for the record, this business has a google+ listing and also angi's list, I think you can and should post a negative review. (i dont' know diddy about angi's list or how that works but google+ will let you post one for sure)
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I do have a theory on the battery and post. Well... since the guy is slow to order parts... I bet the mechanic will take what is needed to fix the ski of the person yelling the loudest. I guarantee that battery went out the door in someone else's ski, and they paid him +$100 for it.

That's what I was thinking as well, I'm wondering if it ended up in the RX that was sitting next to mine when I picked it up. I feel bad for whoever's RX that is, I hope they get treated right

thor7000 wow that really sucks, I would call the police on him and say he stole your brand new battery from your ski....show them the bill of sale. Doubt they will arrest the guy but I'm pretty sure they will get your new battery back...or at least the money back!! It's really hard finding a good, honest mechanic in Florida...I have had really bad experiences from 2 different shops to the point I try to do as much on my own as possible. Good luck!!

Thanks! I plan to contact a few sources. Mainly those regarding county matters since his home business is not allowed in that city

El Toro 33809 What a nightmare!!! Thanks Spimothy for jumping in to assist. Good luck getting you GTX back on the water soon.

Thank you! Yeah I don't know what I would of done had I not joined this forum and received so much help.

Spimothy has saved the day a few times, My mom's waverunner had a broken/busted waterbox last week and being that it was older we were not sure if it would be an easy find and she was rather bummed out because this is her first ski and she loves riding. That same day Spimothy went and picked one up for her and she was back on the water two days later. He has been a help in more ways than he knows!

If I didn't have the backup or backup plan thanks to Spimothy I don't know if I would have picked up my Seadoo that day and who knows what kind of bill and mess I would of been in by now. I'm not looking to get back at this guy per say I just don't want to see someone else end up in the same situation. I feel despite the issues at hand that I got lucky and got out of it before it ended up being a lot worse. I was aggravated the day it happened and the day after but what a sigh of relief it was to look in the rear view mirror and see my GTX behind me knowing there was a plan B!

I purchased it on July 7 and I've only been able to ride it twice, So I am quite anxious to get to be back out on the water with it
thanks for the kind words, actually the waterbox deal is going to work out in my favor as well, i had kind of fell out of touch with that seller and now he's going to send all his seadoo crap my way, and i'm going to dump the yami stuff on him, so i'll get paid back in more ways than one !
i'm always glad to help in any way I can,
anyways, hope to see you on the water soon !!!

you keep forgetting to tell people about the pajama bottoms and the winnie the pooh t-shirt ! thats the best part of the story !!!
you keep forgetting to tell people about the pajama bottoms and the winnie the pooh t-shirt ! thats the best part of the story !!!

Oh yeah! lol

I forgot to mention, When me and the new mechanic and my step father went to pick up my Seadoo from this guy's house he only had pajama pants on. So he goes inside and gets a shirt and comes out and the shirt is a baby blue women's WINNIE THE POOH tshirt

So here this guy is trying to defend his prices and work to the new mechanic who is calling him out...all the while looking like a 3 year old dressed him. How can you have any dignity to defend yourself when you're wearing a Winnie the Pooh Tshirt?!

It made the aggravating situation rather hilarious
you keep forgetting to tell people about the pajama bottoms and the winnie the pooh t-shirt ! thats the best part of the story !!![/QUOTE said:
I was hoping GTX Girl had cute Jammie's on.