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bumping up the idle in my 947

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New Member
G'day guys i have a 2001 gtx di and would appreciate it if someone can tell me if i can bump up the idle from 1450 to 1850 as the jet pump rattles its head off when flushing the ski at 1450 but when i feather the throttle to 1850 it stops rattling... also it idles too slow in the water and keeps "konking out" unless i feather the throttle a little. Can i screw up the nut a fraction that the throttle body sits on? or is that for the TPS only??? or do i have to take it to a dealer and pay through the nose just to bump up the idle 400 rpm. :ack:

Thanks in advance.
Thanks for the reply.. ok so you are saying screw up the nut a fraction and this won't interfere with my tps setting?
That is correct. The TPS merely takes a reading on where the throttle opening happens to be. All you are doing is opening the throttle plate a little bit. But lets make sure we're talking about the same screw/nut before you start changing things.

Are you talking about the fastener on the TPS itself? Or are you talking about the idle adjustment screw? You do not want to adjust the actual TPS...just the amount the throttle is open at idle.

Go here:

Item 63 is the item you do not want to touch. Item 69 is the item you will adjust.
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