Broken bolts on 04 sportster intake grate.

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New Member
I broke both front two bolts off on my 04 sportster intake grate. I have attempted everything to get them out. They moved alittle bit at first ,l but now they are so locked up they will not move. Any ideas....need help.
Sounds like you need a trip to Home Depot and get some bolt removal tools. Basically you'll have to drill through the bolt the extract it.
Ok I have some, but didnt want to slip off an damage the hull. Do you know if the hull is threaded or is it just a hole drilled through it. Thanks for the reply.
I thought about drilling new holes close to the old ones and just putting new scews in. There is a place on the intake grate that it looks like it would work. Any ideas
To be honest I'm not sure on that hull how it is mounted. You should be able to drill it out though. Have you ever used a screw extractor before? I don't ever remember slipping with tap the screw first so it shouldn't move around.

After reading your first entry, I thought right away, your problem was with the loctite..........sea doo put that stuff on every thing that has threads!...LOL...and they recommend heating it to return it to a softness to allow it's removal......seems like you figured it out for yourself!.....hope you get it fixe o.k..........
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