New Member
I called today to find out why my new engine blew. The report from cust rep says improper break in. I wasn't buying that so I asked to speak to a tech. Now I've heard many different methods to breaking in engines, this one particularly. I was only about 10 minutes into cruising before this engine went down, at about half throttle, varying the rpms to that point as directed. This tech had a little more in depth approach to breaking in an engine which I thought sounded extreme. Well, upon telling him the same cylinder on the engine (single 787) happened to both engines, he now believes the carb could be at fault. According to him, although carbs have been rebuilt, that doesn't guarantee you that they are fine. My thoughts too is the carb. So, I guess I'm asking two things here. Your opinion on the carb being an issue and your break in tips. Thanks