bought a seadoo that won't do anything

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Richard Naugle

New Member
Hi everyone
I hope you guys can help me.I recently bought a 1993 explorer it has the 580cc engine and won't start or turn over or even run the blower fan.I have checked all the switchs with a meter and they seem fine and the motor will spin over if i jump the solenoid put thats it. i have tested the mpem and do seem to be getting some bad readings with the meter.and it is blowing the 5 amp fuses. anyone know why it is doing this and can a guy with basic electronic skils repair the mpem? also if i buya new mpem how will iknow it won't be bruined as soon as i hook it up,not having figured how it went bad inthe first place. and does anyone have a used one 4 sale?? #on the back was 278000262.
disconnect the red and yellow wires at rectifier. If the fuse still pops, then need a new MPEM, which, ebay, would probably have tons of those...

when look'n up yr/mdl, on this site (parts tab), showed only to 94', soo i "assumed" (bad choice) had year, mixed up...
Whats on the back of YOUR mpem, is the # you want, however, if those places that I linked to, dont havethat, then may want to "google" "yahoo" it, see what happens, and or, cross-reference the other electrical componants...rectifier, relay/solenoid, coil, stator assy (igniting/charging coils), and if those oem #'s match what you have, then your good to go...:cheers:
If some are different, then you can get those #'s of componants, say rectifier and coil were different, so get those, with new mpem of 94" year, and all will work.
thanks again.. i have one other question though.. why and how often do these things burn out and does anyone repair them because if there is someone doing that i would like to have my old one repaired for a spare as well as a new one.. also if this ignition is failure prone is there another rotax application that uses something not so depedant on electronics that could be used in a boat?? thanks rick
thanks again.. i have one other question though.. why and how often do these things burn out and does anyone repair them because if there is someone doing that i would like to have my old one repaired for a spare as well as a new one.. also if this ignition is failure prone is there another rotax application that uses something not so depedant on electronics that could be used in a boat?? thanks rick

Was a guy, here...All-Things Custom, also had site on ebay. He could fix any mpem that blasted the 5amp fuse, but since last October, decided to fall off the face of earth...WHY...?
Only appliv=cation I've seen that takes place of the mpem is, the MSD-Enhancer, but they're only for the 787/800cc motors, or the 951, with slight mods to flywheel and stator cup.
One thing is, DO NOT jump the ski, while "host" motor is running, fry that bad-boy real quik...
i got a line on a 278000200 will this work on my boat?? i've been led to beleive that it is the mpem that predates 278000262 with the difference being that the relays are external,also we took the rubber off my mpem and found the circuit board was burnt right where the power comes onto it and fixed that with a piece of soldered wire and now the thing checks out with the ohm meter except on the reverse test of - to red and + to black where we are getting an open to infinity reading testing it the other way gives a good reading, anybody know what is going on here with this??? i would really like to repair the board if i could but this is starting to get beyond my ability
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