Ok, I cannot believe this happen to me again, when I first got the 97 GTI, it had been is storage for 10 years, and only had 24 hours on it, having never worked on seadoos. I had the local shop check it out and get it ready for water, and to this day not sure what they did other then change spark plugs, but it did run ok, had the post go bad and fuel baffle die, then the exhaust pipe bolts come lose and almost flood and sunk the craft, in the weeks to fallow the service, I had not found this site yet, but I decided after the post fauilure and the replacement at $300, and the so called service at $700 I could not keep paying for service I needed to get to know these craft, I replaced baffle and repaired the exhaust pipe myself, but near the end of the first season, I had the disaster happen, friends out riding and craft just dies and will not start, find out after taking it to shop because I am still not in tune with everything about these craft, bolt fell down carb and killed the rotary valve, bolt fell out because carb housing cracked and now I needed new motor, and Carb, they said like $3000. I said pound sand, I found this site, found used 720 motor and Craig List, replaced motor, new carb, replaced gray fuel lines, ( why don’t shops tell you this ) added extra in line fuel filter, been doing all my own service and this craft has been great last 3 summers, now even earlier this summer had a full week of running, no problems, now I almost never ride these, as they are for the kids, and enjoy, but this weekend, I was going to meet up with some friend at the Pirate Cove and I did not have the boat in the water, I was going to take the GTI, it was going to be a 20 mile run down river, and it was going to be just me, I never do solo runs, but what the heck it has been running all morning kids been riding everywhere, why not I take off thank god I take phone with me, I get about 10 miles downriver it just dies, will not start, I swim it to shore, on a sandy beach along the river, the only one with no one hanging out on it, just my luck, I feel like Tom Hanks in Cast away, get a hold a friends I was meeting at the Pirate and they rescue me, I get it to the house, take air box off, take air filter/spark arrestor off I see a missing bolt that bolts the air filter plate to the carb, take the rotary valve cover off, there is the bolt and lock washer destroyed rotary valve and case. How I wish I had used locktite on these bolts..Now need to find used motor or see if I can change out the lower end motor housings, and get the first motor back together. I have a good set of lower halves and rotary valve plate and cover. Wish me luck. sorry for the long post just needed to vent, I am sure I will need help with the motor rebuild. more post to fallow