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Blown Super Charger?


New Member
Hi all, I have a 2012 seadoo gtr that may have a blown supercharger. Was taking it out for the first time this year and after about five minutes of riding heard a loud grinding noise and immediately lost power. Rpms went down to about 6000 and I cut it off after noise continued. Took it out of water and checked intake and it's clear. Is the supercharger blown or are there others possibilities. If it is the supercharger is the whole engine done or will the supercharger just need to be rebuilt.
When was the last time the supercharger was rebuilt? If you pull it and post pictures we can tell you if its a washer failure.
Also I'm thinking of pulling the pump to see if it has debris in it. Could a pump with debris cause the symptoms I described?
When was the last time the supercharger was rebuilt? If you pull it and post pictures we can tell you if its a washer failure.
The ski has 98 hours on it and it's the original supercharger to my knowlegde. I didn't get it rebuilt becuase I took it to the shop to get it done last year when I bought it and they inspected it and said it wasn't needed becuase it didn't have 200 hours. Do I need to pull the whole supercharger or will picture of the intake and outlet suffice?
Hi all, I have a 2012 seadoo gtr that may have a blown supercharger. Was taking it out for the first time this year and after about five minutes of riding heard a loud grinding noise and immediately lost power. Rpms went down to about 6000 and I cut it off after noise continued. Took it out of water and checked intake and it's clear. Is the supercharger blown or are there others possibilities. If it is the supercharger is the whole engine done or will the supercharger just need to be rebuilt.
Update: Good news I guess. I pulled the jetpump and after I took the impeller cover off. All of the jet pump bearings dumped out in peices. So it's seems that my supercharger and motor are fine. I'm guessing the pump just needs a rebuild?
That is good news and much cheaper fix. However, that supercharger is going to need rebuilt anyway due to age. The bearings have plastic in them that break down over time. SeaDoo used to recommend 100 hours or every other year, but changed it to 200 hours sometime in the late 2000s and did not specify a time limit, but 10 years is pushing it. A couple of mechanics on other forums say 7 is about the max before the bearings or the spring washers start to go.