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big impeller trouble

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Yes, this past month, I sucked up my ski rope. Not to bad though......If you have a manual it's really easy, but if you don't and you have a mechanical sense of understanding, taking off and repairing (rebuilding) the jet pump is very easy. I took mine apart and replaced the wearing ring, the bearings and the impellor for less than $200 bucks. Your part numbers can be found in a part index (exploded view) at www.sea-doo.com and after you find the part numbers you need, you can go to www.babbittsonline.com and find the parts for a good price. I would suggest going to www.sbtontheweb.com for impellors and pump replacement parts for a really good price.....impellors for $25 dollars with a core trade in. They make it simple by sending the box and return packing slip ready to go. Check these two places out.....you'll be surprised how easy it is to do this stuff yourself!
Great info SDS. Thanks!!

What suggestions do you have for the special tools such as the impeller tool, bearing/seal removal tool, impeller shaft guide, etc? If they’re really required to do the job right I might be better off swapping my pump out for a rebuilt one.

And I'm glad to see I'm in good company. We sucked the ski rope up in a 98 GTX RFI while at idle. It seemed to be just wrapped around the prop shaft. We got it unraveled and went about our merry way. Neither top speed nor acceleration seemed to have been adversely affected. And there was no noticeable vibration that would indicate a bent drive shaft.

However after 2 or 3 hours of operation the clamp at the fore end of the drive shaft connection hose came off. Put it back on and an hour later it came off again, repeat once or twice more until it broke in two. Logic dictated I replace it with a larger one :-).

That seemed to work for another 4 hours or so until all things came to a halt. First glance revealed the Rubber Boot at the front end of the prop shaft had a crack. Then while taking the Jet Pump off I found that the Wear-Ring had been sucked through and destroyed the impeller.

I'm not sure if all this was caused by the rope making it back into the impeller or if I had bent the drive shaft. Seems like if it had been the former the damage and impact would have been immediate or at least happened sooner. I can picture a warped drive shaft causing the scenario I had. Once I finish pulling the driveshaft out I'll check it for trueness and take it from there. Any thoughts on that?

And thanks again!

drive shaft?

If you bent the drive shaft and rode it for the time you did, I think you would have felt the vibration.....even a little would be noticable to you. From all the time you've spent on it, you'd be the first one to say, "wow, this thing doesn't feel right."
If you read my above post, it's not really that hard. The only thing I had to buy was the impellor tool. The deep well sockets and butane torch (cheap at Lowes) I already had. The metric gapping tool, I bought at a local auto parts store. The manual and a little mechanical know how and I was on my way to doing a rebuild. I did it in a day's time. I didn't rush anything.
If your doo is that old and never had a wearing ring replaced, then it was just a matter of time before you hit a twig or bottle cap or anything else to help it reach it's end. They are designed to wear out so that your pump casing doesn't..........cheaper to replace the ring than the pump casing!
Good luck, let me know how you come out!.......
Thanks Louis,

I pulled the drive shaft last night and sure enough it is slightly warped. I talked to the folks at SBT yesterday; I thought they were friendly, knowledgable, very helpful and as you've stated they have good prices (***insert disclaimer here***). I'll order the pump and driveline parts and get this thing tackled.

Vibration: yea you'd think, but then I've never been accused of being sensitive :-)

BTW: I lived in Mobile from 1982-1999 and still have family and many great friends there.

Take care and thanks again.


I hate that you have to replace your driveshaft but when it's all said and done, you'll know exactly where the doo stands in the way of maintenance and repairs. The pump re-build was actually easier than I thought.
Come back often and let others (including myself) know how you came out and a little about what you did!....
BTW, born and bread in Mobile....if you were here with your Doo, then no doubt that rode the Dog River area!.....great area for smooth waters!
Thanks for the input Don........:cheers:
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