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Battery Problem

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New Member
Recently purchased a 1998 GTX Limited. Had an error light/message that "12V Low". Called the dealer I bought it from - he said no problem, bring in the old battery and I will exchange it. Put the new battery in and by mid-afternoon, the "12V Low" error code came back on. I plan on calling the dealer in the morning.

What could be causing two batteries to send this type of error message?
When I installed the battery, the warning message did not come on. It did not come on until the following day. I did not check the charge on the battery, just assumed it was fully changed. I will give that a try....will call the dealer though to make sure he knows what is going on.

thanks for the reply.
also, i know that when i installed my stereo i didn't think about the issue of it slowly draining the batteries, this may be happening to you too!
I doubt his jet ski has a stereo on it, if so, yeah I would assume it might be draining the battery. You don't have anything on the jet ski extra like a mod to the electrical or anything that you know of. I would just assume the dealership gave you another un-charged set of batteries they are good like that. Obviously first things first make sure the batteries are fully charged and can, most importantly, hold a charge. Most batteries can be charged but depending they don't always hold the charge. Batteries have been kind of an achilles heel for me. Good luck
Sorry about being in the wrong section. New to the site and still learning my way around. No - I don't have anything else running on this battery...no stereo, etc.

The dealer has been very good so far. I will see what he has to say tomorrow. Maybe this new one was not fully charged. Do you know if there is an alternator on these PWCs that charge the batter?
no problem just trying to point you in the right direction .
im not familiar with your ski but has it got a switch to isolate the electronics ?
if so make sure it is off after you use the ski or alternitively use an optimizer to keep the battery topped up .
no alternator i ting its all flywheel based mag genorator.
I doubt his jet ski has a stereo on it, if so, yeah I would assume it might be draining the battery. You don't have anything on the jet ski extra like a mod to the electrical or anything that you know of. I would just assume the dealership gave you another un-charged set of batteries they are good like that. Obviously first things first make sure the batteries are fully charged and can, most importantly, hold a charge. Most batteries can be charged but depending they don't always hold the charge. Batteries have been kind of an achilles heel for me. Good luck

Opps my fualt!
Charging system....

You need to check the charging system. I dont' know why the dealer didn't check this when you brought it back in. A mechanic just does not change a battery, he load tests it.

When you get the battery charged, put it back in the ski. Start the ski. If you don't have one, go to Walmart and get a small, inexpensive-digital multipurpose voltage/ohm meter. Set it to 20 VDC. With the ski running, touch the red probe to the red (+) post of the battery and the black lead to the negative (-) post of the battery. Your reading should be about 14 VDC, no less than 13.5. If you got the same voltage on the meter you had when you started, the charging system is at fault. Check the fuse in the electrical box.

I'll be moving this thread now........:cheers:
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