You just can't trust these Australian sharks, first they join the country club, play golf, and then snack on the golfers. Told ya we should have kept the country clubs segregated, Sharks Not Allowed.
If they don't straighten out were sending the crazy ants over.
:lol: Hey Seadoobuddy.Didn't you read the headline.We feed them divers.(or surfers)
Trouble with sharks is they only take a quick nibble.But is a bloody big nibble
yea, you aussie's are a wierd, but just watched an aussie movie last nite called "the tunnel", about the underground abandoned railway systems..the aussie gov't wanted to use them for water retention...turns out there were some whacked out aussie-mongrel creatures feeding on the homeless...
crazy aussie stuff...mayt!
Beaches in australia are very much famous for such kinds of shark attack, every year there are lots of people which are wounded during surfing in the ocean of australia and one need to take care of it.