Are you a griller/ cook?


Well-Known Member
I grill cook year round. Want to make a side dish on the grill everyone will love? They are called Hobo packs.
My family calls them Dad's grill Potatoes.
You need: heavy duty foil, onion powder, garlic powder,salt, pepper,1 stick margarine, 2 pounds potatoes and 1/2 pound baby carrots. Peel the potatoes, slice 1/8 inch thick, lay a 16 inch section of foil on counter, put potatoes in the middle, dump the carrots on pile, heavily sprinkle the onion and garlic powder on pile, then salt and pepper. Slice the margarine in half inch sections over pile. Use foil to make a channel so margarine will not leak out down ward. Then wrap the pack a few times with more foil. Make tight wrap. Put on the grill on high. Cook 40 minutes. I roll the pack every 10 minutes across the grill to get the margarine and spices on all the stuff. Keep it on grill for 40 minutes, then start grilling your meat, steak, chicken etc. When meat is done so are the potatoes. My Family just destroys these Hobo packs!
You can use Red Skin potatoes cut in chunks, or Yukon Golds, whole carrots cut in chunks. I have made 4 pounds of potatoes and 1 pound of carrots and they still destroyed them! They have NEVER hit the fridge.
This is how I do my mushroom and onions. Super easy and the grill time is the same as the meat you are cooking.

Guess I will add potatoes next time. Thanks.

Repairing and selling iPads, iPhones and Mini iPads.
I grill year round. I like the flavor, and so does the fam. Why only have good hamburgers during the summer? Besides... cocking burgers inside makes a mess with the splatters.
I guess I'm more a griller then an cook. In the kitchen I have trouble boiling water. But on the grill everybody says I'm a genius. I probably owe it to my years of Scouting and later on camping out with our kids. Like the old saying necessity is the mother of invention.

Will have to try this recipe, wife is always looking for a new side dish.
I grill a lot and also use my smoker a good bit.
Officially it is spring. However,,, It was 23 degrees when I went to work this morning.

Repairing and selling iPads, iPhones and Mini iPads.
Avid griller here.

love me some grilled mush,,,, wrap in tinfoil with butta, and a healthy dose of cavenders, better than any steakhouse.

anybody else want to share a favorite spice (I put Cavenders Greek on dam near everything but cereal)

best $3 you will ever spend.
