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Another dumb question.

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New Member
If I want to replace the lanyard cable, cause all the rubber is gone from mine, where do I get just the rubber coated rope thing? My lanyard is good just need the curly cable thing. Looks easy to replace.
As far as I know, you can't do that, but a new lanyard is about $40 and then another $10 to have them program it to your MPEM.
I know. I was trying to get away with out haveing to do that. I can put a new rubber thingy on. Have the tools. Just need it. Has got to be a place to find it?
If you figure something out, let me know too. I am in the same situation and I have just been prolonging spending the money to replace a DESS that works perfect. The long string with out the self retracting rubber is a pain though.
I may go to Wal Mart and buy one of theirs and cut it off and put it on mine. I know I've seen them somewhere but I don't know where. Are there some jet ski specific stores?
You don't need to buy a new lanyard from seadoo...Either go to like you said Walmarts and get the coil from a cheap lanyard...$3.00 or something and a stainless steel crimp from like Home Depot, or go to West Marine and spend like $9.00 for a replacement and attach it to the lanyard cap, same way.

That is what I"m gonna do. I knew someone had to sell just the coil for them. Just didn't know where to find it. I can't find it on the net. Search is useless w/ this.
I got this lanyard from Walmart for $9.00 and put it on my DESS. It doesn't look quit like the original, but it works and was a lot cheaper than a new one from the dealer. Thanks for the idea!


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The whistle doesn't have to be on it but you do have to have one with you in SC, so I just put mine on the lanyard so it would always be with me.
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