Ok, I've seen numerous sites (sorry) where one of the tests when checking your carbs is to blow on the fuel outlet line (one going back to tank) and you shouldn't be able to , but you should be able to suck air, and vice versa on the fuel inlet side. Looking at my carb though, fuel comes out of both these lines , see pic (one supplies fuel to other carb and other goes back to tank) and there is a totally seperate line underneath where the fuel comes in. The test is valid if U use the other line but air just flows freely back and forth between the two lines in the picture.
Question #1. On the back carb (the one with the accelerator pump), when you take the plate off you can see that the plate has a notch in it that allows fuel to travel freely between both lines so what could stop air (really gas) from flowing either way. And if the gas flows so easily between the lines what forces it into the filter and then to the needle and seat?
Question #2. On the front carb, theres a channel in the block with a hole in it so I have the same thing. Am I missing something here? Thanks for any help
Question #1. On the back carb (the one with the accelerator pump), when you take the plate off you can see that the plate has a notch in it that allows fuel to travel freely between both lines so what could stop air (really gas) from flowing either way. And if the gas flows so easily between the lines what forces it into the filter and then to the needle and seat?
Question #2. On the front carb, theres a channel in the block with a hole in it so I have the same thing. Am I missing something here? Thanks for any help