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another carb problem

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New Member
ok, I've changed all the filters, fuel line and cleaned everything out. when I bought my 01 rx the acc. pump was clogged so i guess they adjusted the carbs to run with it clogged. It's now working. I've ran it several times since I cleaned everything. It ran great until it got up to around 55 or so then it starts to bog down. I can't get to my low speed adjustments to check them but my high speed was adjusted about 2 whole turns out on both carbs. I closed them but, my ski won't even start with them closed I can back them off 1 rotation and it will crank but has some hesitationin low rpm's. would adjusting my low speed to 1.5 fix this or could my carbs be jetted and need a different adjustment. thanks for reading
Carb jets?...

Yes, it's possible that they re-jetted the carbs and you have to open the high speed to compensate.

It also could be that when the carbs were rebuilt they used the wrong gram spring at the lever to the needle valve.

You really do need to try and get to that low speed screw to make sure your adjusted corretly. The plugs can be read for further adjustments.

When your at idle, the low speed jets are in total control. When you start into the throttle, the accelerator pump gives a small burst of fuel to create vacuum and the initial start into transition, where your high speed and low speed jets work together. When you hit about 4500 to 5000 rpm, the high speed jet should be on it's own.

You may find that you need to remove, clean/rebuild these carbs to get them to run correctly........but, if your running well now, read your plugs to determine if this is something that can wait to next fall or if it's something you need to do before this season gets started.

Run the ski at WOT for about 5 or 10 minutes. Pull the lanyard while at WOT so that when you pull your plugs, they'll show a good representation of what the plugs look like when running at top speed.

Refer to the spark plug guide in my thread "snipes korner." I have a link to it at the bottom of my signature.....:cheers:

Your RX has a 951 engine which means the adjustment needles you can see when looking at the carbs (installed) are the low speed needles and I would leave them at 2 turns out. If you closed them off it would explain why it wouldn't start and/or hesitates. Your high speed needles are on the other side of the carbs (not visible) and I would have them at 0 to 1/4 turn out. Use a mirror. If you still have bogging problems then you'll have to remove, disassemble and completely clean your carbs.
Good Luck, DAWG
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