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Am i Missing Speed? I have full RPM

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Active Member
So i have an 06 RXT that i just bought and have been going through the motions of fixing everything wrong with it.

Biggest obvious problem was the ride plate was f*cked and poorly sealed to the hull after the last guy tried his duct tape repair.
Result was failure to go over 30MPH and overheating.

I replaced the ride plate, I'm fairly confident i applied enough sealant in the important spots.

Now in the water at WOT i hit 60MPH (on GPS, Speedo doesn't work) spinning like 8140RPM and i hit that RPM easily.
This is the same on a full or near empty tank, i weigh around 240, and i would say ideal water conditions (not overly choppy, not glass, mild waviness).
Hole shot is good, i don't have any signs of cavitation that i can tell.

When i replaced the ride plate i also installed a new wear ring and neoprene seal. I thought the prop looked ok but i didn't remove it from the pump housing.

I've read posts on these forums of users hitting mid 60's to 70 on this ski and quite often they are barely hitting 8k RPM so I'm wondering if my engine is running too fast?

If so the shop manual points to:
- Faulty rev limiter
- Improper Impeller pitch
- Damaged Impeller
- Sealing of ride plate, Jet Pump support, or jet pump

I really have no history on this ski, but i doubt it's a problem with the rev limiter, i can bounce the engine off 8200 while in the water.
If i trust the manual as the only two probable issues then it's either the impeller or the seal job i did on the ride plate.

Before i go tearing into all that sealant again I'd like opinions from other who may know if my speed/rpm combo seems right or if I'm too slow?

I have a 2008 RXT 215 that will do 65 as long as it stays hooked up. but thats what the dash says, never verified it to GPS.
8140RPM seems about right.
I have a 2008 RXT 215 that will do 65 as long as it stays hooked up. but thats what the dash says, never verified it to GPS.
8140RPM seems about right.
So i replaced my speed sensor hoping to see if that made the speedo read closer to what others are getting but nope. New speed sensor will max out at 55mph which is around what the last speed sensor said. So for whatever reason my built in speedo reads low.

I did buy a solas impeller i found but haven't installed it yet. The more I ride it the more I'm thinking it's performing well but don't have another of the same ski to compare it to.
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