My wife.........
Horrible uncle?..........nah, you make me feel worse. Here in Alabama, you have to take a boat safety course and pass a test before you can drive. My wife has been wanting to drive for so long......and of course, I don't want her to. It's MY toy!....well, last month, she surprised me. When we were out, she wanted to drive. I said, "you know the laws".......well guess what. She pullled out her license and showed me her endorsement!.......I thought I was gonna cry. Then, when I let her drive the boat (I could no longer use the license as an excuse) I swore I'd never ride in the boat with her again. She scared the living crap out of me. I was so nervous. Her coming so close to piers and other, I couldn't wait to tell her the boat was out of gas.
Well, since then, MY boat has been under the carport. I got the carbs off. Told her that one needed, am I a bad husband?.....probably. But I don't want her to wreck MY boat!......I'm re-building a motor for a ski as we speak. I'll give it to her and let her learn how to operate a jet that way. Not with me on or in it!............:ack: