99 Speedster twin 787 mpem

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Hi everyone happy I found this forum and clearly see alot of communication and helpful individuals on here.

I have a 99 speedster with the twin 787s and have lost spark to my starboard side engine.

I have tested every thing including even switching everything from one engine to the other no luck.

I'm sure it's the MPEM now. Any guidance will be so appreciated

Also does anyone have a working one available. That would be a lifesaver or options as what to do cant find them anywhere

Thanks and looking forward to you replies.
I had a similar situation.

I took the boat to a local guy that specializes in Sea Doo 2 strokes.

He had the boat for about 4 months...he diagnosed a bad MPEM.

Apparently nobody rebuilds these things....and he said they no longer make single MPEM... dual engines.

He changed out the MPEM with 2 jet ski MPEMs.

He added a second DESS post and I have 2 keys...you'd have to get that programmed.

The boat worked awesome for about 10 times out...then the starboard engine...doing the same thing.

Before you change out, I would carefully isolate MPEM by swapping as much as you can between engines and be sure it's the MPEM.

I have pictures of the MPEMs and you can likely install duals if you want to...their may be a thread on this forum already for doing that...but I didn't see one.

There is a thread that describes how another forum user determined his MPEM was bad....he used an oscilloscope and I didn't have one at that time.

Hope this helps.


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