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99 GTX won't crank

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New Member
everything worked fine in the fall. it was sitting in the garage with the battery hooked up (my bad) and was thus dead.

I put in a new, fully charged battery.
Put the key on. it chirps and the gauges light up.
Press the on button and there's a quick "whir" in the front opening (i have the hood up and the container removed. I didn't notice it with it closed)

but it doesn't crank. the connecions on the battery seem good.

any troubleshooting steps that i should be taking before i take it into the shop?

thanx, gord
thanks for the quick reply.

it may be the starter but i don't think so.

the quick whir is in the very front, a ways away from the engine. when i have the hood closed and the seats off i don't hear anything happening around the block.

other postings refered to jumping the starter connections to see if it kicks but i have no idea where the starter even is on this thing. it's not obvious by shining a flashlight in there.
seats off, key on, chirp, guages light up, ear by the block, press the start button and nothing but silence.
jumping the relay is easy, it will be in the rear electrical box, but if it is not clicking when you try to start then it is either bad or you have a bad connection somewhere
you can take a thick wire and jump the two large posts on it and see if it cranks over.....you can also take a multi meter/voltmeter and run black to batt ground and pos wire to ignition signal to the relay and see when you crank if you get any voltage to it.
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