99 GTX RFI Will Not Rev Past 3200 RPM Acts Like A Drirty Carb, Sea Doo Tech Stumpped

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Heres What Been Done.
Fuel Pump Was Pressure Tested And Is In Spec.
Throttle Sensors Were Tested.
Fuel tank Cleaned And Refilled With 97 Oct.
Fuel Filter (If You Can Call It That) Cleaned.
Everything They Can TEst For At A Highly Recomended Sea Doo Tech Guys Shop Was Checked.
He Said Its A Rev Limiter Issue.
But He Does Not Have The PC Hook Up For Sea Doos Said TAke It To A Sea Doo Dealer. Closest One Is 2 Hours Away.
I Looked On The PArts Break Down And I Can Not Even Find A Part Labled Rev Limiter?

Wil lPost Full Sea Doo Tech Guys List Of Checks And Ideas For Comments A.S.A.P.

So If Any One Has Any Ideas Please Help!!

Thank You.

Techs Supplyied Info
Fuel Psi 60 psi Spec 58-60

1-2= 2.09
2-3= 1.255

CPS .894 Spec. 774-.946

Ats 2.130 Spec 2.280-2.736 Low I Guess?

WTS 1.848 Spec 2.280-2.736 Low I Guess?

Plugs New Proper Gap

Rave Valves All Checked Good.

Checked Plug Connections All Good.

Confirmed It Is A Rebuilt Engine

Flame Arrestor Mesh Installed Upside Down. I Need To Confirm If He Fixed It Or Not.

Broken Bolt In Flame Arrestor. I Need To Confirm If He Fixed It Or Not.

Again Any Ideas Or Fixs Please Help.
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The rev limiter in inside of the mpem. Down load the manuel and test it. Just a heads up though, even if it test correctly it still can be bad. Sorry, I know it's not what you want to hear but it's just the nature of the beast.
Hi, Yes It Is Flashing Mait.
And The Red Lite Also Blinks. But No Code Is Displayed.
Thank Yo For You Response.
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Hi, Found Adjustable Rev Limiters On Ebay For Other Year Sea Doos, Anyone Know If And How They Can Be Wired In To The MPEM?
Thank You.
A faulty charging system will cause a rev limiter to come on. Check the battery voltage while reving the engine. It should be around 14 volts DC. I seriously doubt you have a faulty rev limiter.
Would The Chrging Sytem CAuse It To Rev And Seem Like It Wants To Rev Higher But Sputter Or Sound Like A Dirty Carb? ( I Know The RFI Has No Carb But Any Other Ski I Would Be Pulling The Carb Apart)
Thank you. Once A A While While Testing ItTo Dignose It It Almost Sounds Like A backfire? Just Thought I Would Throw That In As Well.

Also What To Replace If The Charging System Is BAd?
Thank You
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Ok Did VM TEst On Charging System. 12.4volts Goes To 10.8 Volts At Start The Back To 12.4 Ish Volts.
At 3200 RPM No Incress In Voltage.

Went And Got A Used Rectifier At The Sea Doo Techs Place Supossed To Be Test Used Good Condition.
Same Issues Same Result On VM Test.
Any Way To Test The Rectifier For Proper Working?
Any Other Ideas?

Thank You.

Also It Was Back Fireing When I Was Reving It To Check Voltage? Any Ideas????
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Thank You For The Confirmation!
Would You Have An Idea Of What Besides The Rectifier Would Cause NoChargeing And No Rev Above 3200?
Thank You Again.
i had the same problem and it was the rectifier, are u sure it was a good rectifier
try unpluging the red wire on the rectifier and see if it runs any better, if it does its a bad rectifier
Tried It No Change.
Any Body No What Readings An Volt Meter Should Read When Reving Engine And Testing The 3 Yellow Wires Coming From The Stator? Checked Each One Seperate, Onlu MV No Nolts IS That Normal Or Is That The Issue? If A Bad Stator Would That Cause The Issues Its Having?
Gtx RFIE Rev Issue

Not sure on your model though most I've tested are around 79 volts.

Just Got A Tidbit I Was Told The Rev Limiter Will Backfire And Prevent Engine From Reving Up Out Of The Water.
Any Body Else HEard This? That Would MAke All My Tests On The Rectifier Mute Since I Did hem In My Garage On My Trailer.
Thank For The Help!
Rectifiers are bad when you rev and it goes past about 13.3...so the guy seeing 16...you have a bad Rectifier. Also there is no unhooking the red wire on these models...thats a 787 carb trick.

I can almost guarantee its the MPEM. Just had a customer with the same problems. Idled fine...didnt rev past about 3k.

In fact I had a guy last year too that tried everything then bought a MPEM and it fixed it.

I'm pretty sure my bro still has one available.
Hi, Thank You PM Sent.
Any Other Ideas Guys? MPEM Is Big $$ So I Willing To Try Other Ideas If Any Our Out There.
Thank You All.
Hi Everybody,
Now BEfore I Order A MPEM A PM From A Member Told Me To Double Check The Stator.
I Have Tried To Download The Manual But My PC Is To Old Because It Keeps Freezing.
lease Let Me Know If The Following Process Is Correct.

Unplug The Stator Three Yellow Wire HArness Plug From Rectifier.
Place Volt Meter Red (+ Wire) On One Of The Three Harness Plug Ins
Place Volt Meter Black ( - Wire ) On Neg Battery Terminal
Start Engine Rev To In My Case 3200 Rpm
Repaet For The Other Two Harness Plugs.

Voltage From Stator Should Read 79 Ish Volts

In that Case My Stator Is Dead Or Does The MPEM Control That Too?
Is That Stator HArd To Take Out/Install?
Thank You All.
Ok Everybodyi Charged The Battery And Replaced The Recifier.
It Runs Strong And Smooth.
But Now It Will Be Moving 50-60 MPH And Just Die Out.
Then Will Act Like Low Battery If You Try To Restart It Right Away.
After 3-5Mins It Will Fire Up And Act Like Its HAs A Dirty Carb, Pumping The Throttle Helps? (i Know Its An RFI And It Should Not Help But It Does?)
Then Goes Fast Again Like Nothing Happened,
Then Will Die Out For No Reason A Few Minists Later.Also MAit. Flashes On The Gauge Right After Words Along With The Flashing Red Light But Will Stop After A Min Or Two.
Please Any Ideas, Or Fixes Would Be Very Helpful And greatly Apprecated!!
Thank You
New Issuse After The RPM REv Issue Solved. Any Ideas?

Ok Everybodyi Charged The Battery And Replaced The Recifier.
It Runs Strong And Smooth.
But Now It Will Be Moving 50-60 MPH And Just Die Out.
Then Will Act Like Low Battery If You Try To Restart It Right Away.
After 3-5Mins It Will Fire Up And Act Like Its HAs A Dirty Carb, Pumping The Throttle Helps? (i Know Its An RFI And It Should Not Help But It Does?)
Then Goes Fast Again Like Nothing Happened,
Then Will Die Out For No Reason A Few Minists Later.Also MAit. Flashes On The Gauge Right After Words Along With The Flashing Red Light But Will Stop After A Min Or Two.
Please Any Ideas, Or Fixes Would Be Very Helpful And greatly Apprecated!!
Thank You
i had that problem and found that my fuel selector was clog, it run great on reserve but not on on. mabe not problem, but try running on reserve and what happens, thats my best guess, and theres a way to reset the maint light.
Thank You,
I Beleive And Was told That The GTX RFI Has No Fuel Selector.
Any One Know For Sure?
If It Does Where Is It Located?
Thank You
sorry i just looked up ur jetski in the manual and it doesnt have a fuel selector
just had another thought u said it was slow turning over after run it, so could be getting hot because of lean mixture or not enough oil, i thinking low fuel pressure or oil injector not set right ( just a thought )
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