99 GSX Limited Gauge Problem

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New Member
I'm new to this site and it seems like a good place to recieve some help.

I own a 99 GSX Limited. THe gauge cluster, with the speed and RPMs, will not shut off when i turn the jet ski off. This is draining my battery and running up my hours. The ski has about 100 hours on it and the gauge say it has almost 1,000. So every time i turn of the jet ski i have to disconnect the postive lead to the battery.

I call the repair shop and they said they don't work on the computers, they just replace them. They quoted me at over $1,000. If somebody could help me troubleshoot this issue or even if they know anywhere i could get a used computer cluster to replace it with.

Thanks in advance,
You know i kinda have the same problem as you.. Where my info gauge would just drain out my battery.. But since my info gauge really dont work.. I cut the power cable of it off.. So the battery draining problem isnt a problem anymore :o).. Im sure you wouldnt wanna do the same.. But its just an idea. lol
I have a cluster here for a 98 gtx limited. not sure if they are the same but I am guessing it is a problem in the MPEM as the MPEM sends an aux 12 volts when the key is inserted or the start button is pressed.

If you take the key out do you still have the same problem? If so try pulling the key and tapping the start button 5 times to get to diagnostic mode, then pressing it once more to cancel.

If it is still on then I am assuming the MPEM is the problem. There is a circuit in the mpem that cancels out the ready start sequence after i belive 33 seconds and it sounds like yours is defective.
:agree: I don't think there is a test to see if it is the problem or not except to see it it is still engerized after the 30 sec. time out.

I was messing around with it this weekend and it seems that the 3 amp acc. fuse was blown. I replaced it and it work for a little then blew again. After replacing it a couple of times it finally worked. I don’t know why this fuse keeps breaking but it seems to be working for the moment.

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