98 XPL Bogging/Falling Off at High RPM


New Member
I have a 98 XPL 951 that doesn't run right at full throttle. Carbs recently had OEM rebuild kits with new fuel lines and selector bypass. Ran flawlessly for awhile after that. Then I changed the impeller( just a stock one that was in better shape than the previous one). I don't see how the impeller change relates to this but I'm trying to say everything I did. The next time I took it out, it ran good except if I held it WOT, after about 3 seconds it would fall off 500 to 1000 rpm. I talked about that in a previous post on here and was advised to try to turn out the high needles an 1/8 as I was maybe lean. I did that and while I was at it, took the carbs apart again and checked the internal filters. There was a little sediment in them. Put it back together and if anything it's worse. Did some WOT chops and looked at the plugs. They are a nice chocolate brown. Pretty close in my opinion. Cleaned rave valves and ran without caps to see if that changed anything. Obviously killed the low end but didn't change anything on the top end. It seems to just be getting worse every time I take it out. Tonight it would even do it at 3/4 throttle sometimes. Just wondering what to check next. Plugs are almost new. Clipped plug wires. Could it possibly be something else electronic? Stator? MPEM?