98 XP - what would be a good price?

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I have found a 98 XP for sale. It has an all new engine, prop, and looks to be in good shape. What would be a good price range to be paying for this ski if everything else is ok? I know there are not a lot of details here so I will be calling the seller to ask the standard questions along with who/where the engine was replaced at and why, how has the new engine been broken-in, same thing with the prop and was the wear ring replaced and pump inspected. I will post the answers on here. If no red flags appear I will setup a time to see it and look it over. I will check the hull, engine, and pump especially close. Anything else I should be looking out for outside the norm? Should I still get a compression check if this is indeed an all new engine? What is the correct way to break-in this particular engine?
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