So I've been working on this basket case boat with a list of problems a mile long. The port motor has a run away idle with the pto cylinder running lean. I've tested compression 150psi on all 4, pressure tested the case, held 8 psi for 30 minutes, rebuilt all the carbs, replaced base gaskets on the motor in question, replaced throttle cable, set initial tune to oem specs on all 4 carbs only having an issue with the one cylinder. The only thing I haven't done as far as this carb goes is replace the needle and seat. Is there something I'm missing I can test on this, or maybe the rotory valve can leak on just one side. I've rebuilt quite a few 2 strokes just mostly yamahas, and tons of carbs and never had this problem before. Sorry if this has been discussed somewhere else, but I couldn't find anything, hence the post.