98 951 driveshaft removal

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New Member
Hello everybody,

Well we had one hell of a long winter up here in Ontario, Took the ski out for the first time yesterday, It started no problem and ran great ti'll finally there was no more power and the ski felt heavy, I brought it back to shore and to my surpise engine bay is filled with water, I spotted the leak and it was coming from the rubber seal with the 2 clamps. The fitting with the bearings and nipple slid off the clamp and therefore water came in, I tried to do a quick fix by putting it back together but the rubber fitting is not in it's best shape and still have a small leak so I want to swap it out. What do I need to do to pull the shaft out? by what I researched I need to pull the jet pump off.. is this correcte?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you

So I got the shaft out within 40 minutes and found my issue, going to order my parts and ill be good to go!
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