97 Xp

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New Member
Hello Everyone,

I currently own a 97 XP and 97 GSX just curious most of the threads I read the 97 XP seems to be the least desired of all the XP's is this because of it having a 787 instead of the the later 951 is there other things that factor into this or is it just personal choice regarding a particular model and year. :)


Welcome back...
I think it's all in the age of the person riding and personel choice. You'd also have to think with the 10+ years on that XP, you'd have one of the few still survived today. Most have become extinct. I say that with love because I own the 97 Challenger with the 787. It's my most loved engine. For durability, performance and ease of working with. It powers my boat with all the horsepower I need to have fun on the water with my two children. I can hit close to 50 mph with a half tank of gas and no other riders on a smooth day.
I can imagine that in a PWC, the thing is just as awesome. But as you know, the newer 900 cc's class motors and the 4-TEC engines are all the rave these days. Yes, they have horsepower and performance that you'd find in a small sportscar, but in the hull of the PWC's today, all those ponies and low weight mean a really fast ski!.........I'd hate to fall off at WOT!.....:ack:
There are a lot of 787 owners out here who still love their motors...so, it's all in what your looking for and how old you are. I put the age factor in there because growing up, when I had my first motorcycle, it led to the next one up, then a year later, the newer, next one up...etc....I think you get my point. You just can't satisfy that need for speed that easy. :cheers:
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