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97 Xp Oilling Problems?

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New Member
I have been poking around and reading for a possible answer to my pwc problem and have come up short. After finding my plugs fouled I replaced them with new rode for 10 mins and the Seadoo would not hit full speed (lots of hesitation and hard starting), plugs fouled again. I took it home and pulled the cylinders to find them grooved badly along with the pistons themselves. The rings were fused to the pistons in a couple places. I took the cylinders in to a mechanic that dose my other 2 stroke work and he figures it is an oilling problem? I am a little hesitant to start it up with the new cylinders and pistons with out knowing if it is in fact an oil problem. Any advice??? Thanks in advance.

Root cause?....

Very good Zach. Your looking for a root cause. Most just fix what's broke and take it for a ride, just to find out they have the same breakdown.

Do you know how to check the oil pump for syncronization? If you think it's an oiling issue, then did you check the pump for proper operation.

Have you considered blocking off your oil pump and going premix?
97 XP. recent rebuild, or 10 year old motor? sometimes wear is just wear. 787's in x4 hulls usually get hammered on. why else would you buy a ski that has just over 4 lbs of weight for each HP? do the top end and premix to 50 to 1 while watching the oil level in tank. if it isn't dropping enough, retire the oil pump or replace it. one yamaha repair guy i know who hates seadoos says throw away every oil pump and premix.
Thanks guys. I am a fan of premix. 50:1 on what type of oil? I do know that with my dirt bikes it dose depend on oil type (synthetic or mineral). Any suggestions??? I am not sure of the history. I bought it from a younger girl that probably did not know much about maintenance about 4 or 5 years ago, I assume 10 year old motor. yes it dose get rode pretty hard but only on the weekends in the summer which is about 4 months here in Alberta. so if I block off the 2 oil lines to the intake manifold I assume the crank still gets lube through third hose? Derek, your right, 10 year old 2 stroke ridin at full throttle 90% of the time hammerd against waves ect and generally abused by the family = rebuild.

Got my cylinders back, fresh bore. New rings and pistons. Waitting for new gaskets and service\shop manual. Cleaning RAVE valves. Searching hull for dropped RAVE spring. So, 50:1 mix??? Good synthetic??? I believe I was running mineral oil before rebuild but I am going to switch to full synthetic. Good Idea? How can I test the oil pump to see if it is working properly.

do 50;1 while running pump to see if pump works. if you are not using pump-40;1. you can remove pump and take off the drive gear. then reinstall and leave everything hooked up. at least that is how it works with 720's.
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